Surprise Encounter with Lillian Bach Doris playing the piano
Doris Wong

October 17, 2010

I play the piano every Friday in the Alzheimers's Ward at Christa in Shoreline. One Friday while walking down the hall, I noticed the name Lillian Bach (missionary to Nigeria) It was shocking to see her name, as you can imagine. I found her but she does not speak, hardly eats, and just looks straight ahead or down. I have talked to her every week about NWU but no response. However she responds when I play the piano, but only by waving at me when I look her way. 

This past Friday was exciting because not only did she wave at me, she spoke, "please say thank you to everyone who prayed for me when I was a missionary", she said.  Those were the only words she had spoken in a very long time according to the staff.
Collage of Lillian Bach 1938, 1968, 2010